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The Yearly Impact of Employee Advocacy on LinkedIn

Do you know what the average performance looks like on LinkedIn when you leverage employee advocacy? We do! Download this infographic and learn how employee advocacy + LinkedIn significantly boosts brand awareness. 

Yearly Impact of LinkedIn with GaggleAMP Infographic

Checklists and Best Practices

Boost the effectiveness of your employee advocacy program with these invaluable checklists. Discover exactly what you need to do and unleash the full potential of your efforts!

Employee Advocacy Attributes Checklist

Use this employee advocacy checklist to launch a successful strategy, engage employees at scale, and measure ROI.

Step-by-Step Employee Advocacy Checklist

The ultimate step-by-step employee advocacy stragegy checklist to help you measure results and increase engagement.

Organic Social Media Strategy Checklist

All you need in a step-by-step employee advocacy checklist to improve your organic social media results.

Getting Started with Employee Advocacy Checklist

Interested in starting an employee advocacy program? You’re on the right track!

LinkedIn Best Practices

Your LinkedIn profile page is your opportunity to portray yourself the right way with these best practices!

Get Your Custom ROI
Report for Employee Advocacy


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The Yearly Impact of Employee Advocacy on LinkedIn

Do you know what the average performance looks like on LinkedIn when you leverage employee advocacy? We do! Download this infographic and learn how employee advocacy + LinkedIn significantly boosts brand awareness.

2023 State of Employee Advocacy Report

Learn how to refine your digital marketing strategy with real-life results from actual employee advocates.

Building the Case for an Employee Advocacy Program

You too can build an effective employee advocacy program! Learn where campaigns exceed and fall short in this eBook.

Teachstone’s 2x Social Media Success_ Doubling Clicks with GaggleAMP


Learn best from audio? Here's some of our favorite podcast episodes on AMPUp Your Digital Marketing.

What’s Product-Led Growth?

Product-led growth has gained a ton of traction among marketers everywhere, but it looks very different in the SaaS industry.

Build a Personal Brand in 8 Months

Building a Personal Brand can be difficult, so we talked to a marketer who garnered over 11,000 followers on LinkedIn in just a few months.

ABM Strategies for ABX

What is ABX, and how is it different from ABM? Fernogo CMO Conor Coughlan explains this trending marketing strategy and why it’s better for your customers.

How a Podcast Can Increase Your Sales

Scott MacKenzie of Industrial Talk shares his tips for starting a podcast to grow your business.

Championing an Employee Advocacy Program

Standard Chartered increased social media engagements by 180X through its employee advocacy program. Listen and learn how it succeeded in a regulated industry.

Benefits of Perpetual Demand Gen

Learn how perpetual demand generation can revolutionize your marketing efforts. Discover the benefits of ongoing messaging and how it can help grow your business.

Building the Case for Employee Advocacy

Employee advocacy enables businesses to use the power of people rather than ads to advance their branding efforts in an influential capacity.

Case Study

Learn How WGroup Built $2 Million in Sales Pipeline With Employee Advocacy
