At GaggleAMP, we use a variety of subprocessors that help our business run. This makes it possible to bring you the great features and services that provide value to our customers. These are technology partners that have committed to securing our data and in turn yours. We think selling your data is not cool. GaggleAMP Inc. does not sell any personally identifiable information to third parties.
Customer Data: Information between Customer to GaggleAMP in order to contract for the services. For example, billing information or point of contact information.
End User Data: Any data collected through use of the platform by Customer and its Gaggle members.
All Categories: Could be Customer and/or End user and/or Website Visitor data.
Website Visitors: Anyone that visits our website including customers, end users, and third parties.
Here is the list of companies that we use that help us run our business and services:
Vendor Name | Description | Link | Country | Use of Data |
Amazon Web Services | Our cloud computing provider (where our applications are hosted) |
https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/gdpr-center/ | USA | End User Data |
Atlassian | Software we use to help product and software development |
https://www.atlassian.com/trust/privacy/gdpr | Australia | All Categories |
Capterra | Online marketplace vendor that assists consumers with selecting software for their needs with users reviews and research |
https://www.gartner.com/en/about/policies/privacy | USA | Customer Data |
ContractSafe | This software helps us organize our contacts |
https://www.contractsafe.com/privacy | USA | Customer Data |
Datadog | Provides us with log management review and real-time metrics monitoring for our applications |
https://www.datadoghq.com/gdpr/ | USA | End User Data |
Dropbox | File storage tool |
https://www.dropbox.com/security/GDPR | USA | Customer Data |
Earth Class Mail | Service to manage our incoming mail |
https://www.earthclassmail.com/privacy | USA | Customer Data |
G2 | Peer to peer review site for business software |
https://www.g2.com/static/privacy | USA | Customer Data |
Google Analytics | Tracks web traffic to our public facing website and in our applications |
http://cloud.google.com/security/gdpr/ | USA | Website Visitors |
GSuite | Productivity, organization, and communication tools |
http://cloud.google.com/security/gdpr/ | USA | All Categories |
Heroku, a Salesforce company | An application hosting provider built on top of Amazon Web Services used to host some legacy services |
https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/gdpr | USA | End User Data |
Honeybadger | Monitors our applications to see exception reporting (i.e. if something unexpected happens) |
https://www.honeybadger.io/gdpr/ | USA | End User Data |
HubSpot | We leverage both their marketing automation and CRM tools for our public site and customer interactions (for example tracking sales interactions) |
https://www.hubspot.com/data-privacy/gdpr | USA | All Categories |
Jiminny | Our customer facing team uses this during video communication |
https://help.jiminny.com/en/articles/1673294-how-we-comply-with-the-gdpr | USA | Customer Data |
Loom | Video messaging tool that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable videos |
https://support.loom.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002228758-GDPR-compliance | USA | Customer Data |
Monday.com | Business tool to track and manage projects |
https://monday.com/terms/gdpr | USA | Customer Data |
OpenAI OpCo, LLC | Generative AI service to create, analyze, and transform content |
https://openai.com/policies/privacy-policy | USA | All Categories |
Papertrail and Librato, products of Solar Winds | Provides us with log management review and real-time metrics monitoring for our applications |
https://www.solarwinds.com/general-data-protection-regulation-core-it | USA | End User Data |
RB2B | Help identify and engage with website visitors |
https://www.rb2b.com/rb2b-gdpr | USA | Website Visitors |
ShelfFlip, Inc. dba UserGems | Sales tool for pipeline generation |
https://www.usergems.com/gdpr | USA | End User Data |
Slack | Business tool we use internally to communicate |
https://slack.com/gdpr | USA | All Categories |
Strike Graph | Tool that helps to maintain security standards and compliance operation |
https://www.strikegraph.com/privacy | USA | Customer Data |
Stripe | A business tool to process payments and billing |
https://stripe.com/guides/general-data-protection-regulation | USA | Customer Data |
Unbounce | Landing page builder |
https://unbounce.com/privacy/ | Canada | Website Visitors |
Visme | Data presentation and visualization tool |
https://www.visme.co/privacy/ | USA | Customer Data |
Wistia | Video hosting platform |
https://wistia.com/support/account-and-billing/privacy-and-data-protection | USA | Customer Data |
Xero | Software we use for finance and accounting functions |
https://www.xero.com/us/data/xero-and-gdpr/ | USA/New Zealand | Customer Data |
Zendesk | Our customer success team uses this to log and track support requests |
https://www.zendesk.com/company/customers-partners/eu-data-protection/ | USA | All Categories |
Zoom | Video call software for internal and external communication |
https://zoom.us/gdpr | USA | Customer Data |
ZoomInfo | Software to identify and aquire new customers |
https://www.zoominfo.com/legal/privacy-policy | USA | Customer Data |